My first giclée print launched!

It's been a while, with a lot happening behind the scenes!

I just completed 30 consecutive days of sketching outdoors. It was fascinating, with storms one minute and glorious sun the next. It definitely made me aware of the seasons and cycles in nature, which is an area I have been exploring in my new work and the results of which will be revealed next month. Fair weather warning...


I have had several requests for prints of my paintings over the years, and I finally decided to make some! It’s taken me eons to learn how to get the right quality, and if you know me well, only the best will do! 

I opened up my online shop for the first time and released a limited edition giclee print of my painting Girl with a Coloured Scarf last week (see below). It is 400 by 400 mm with a border included. The edition is limited to 20. The launch went really well, so I have added this print to to my permanent collection in my shop. There are still some prints left, so if you are interested, click the image below to see more information. I will be launching my first new full collection in a month's time! 


Last year I challenged myself to learn stop motion animation at the Royal Drawing School in London. My beginner short movie, “Honey Bee” was shown at Melbourne Fringe Festival as part of a group of female artists.

I will be making more of these for sure! It was so much fun! Click to see the full version. Sound on!

video preview


The highlight of last year was my artist residency in Cromarty in November! Cromarty is a truly magical, "thin" place in the Black Isles of the Scottish Highlands. Thin places, according to Celtic tradition, are places of energy where the veil between this world and the eternal world is thin, and it really felt that way. I sketched outside (it was cold!) and in my studio, and I made some watercolour studies. I got invited to swim in the sea with the Cromarty Mermaids, a lovely group of ladies who started swimming in the sea every morning during the pandemic, and still do today in all weathers. I absolutely loved it!

Painting of The Sutors in my studio from sketches done en plein air


I was invited to paint some dancers en route to Edinburgh. This was an amazing experience and definitely challenged my visual memory. Ironically, I had an injured foot at the time and had to sit on the floor to paint these wonderful agile human beings who moved and weaved in and out of fluid formations before me eyes. This has inspired a whole new series…more on that later this year.


Painting the Improv Dance Group at Dance Base in Edinburgh...
Photo Credit @carminatarean
 Paintings of the Improv Dance Group at Dance Base in Edinburgh

Well I think we are all caught up for now! If you would like these blogs as a newsletter in your inbox, along with early access to my print and original painting releases, sign up to my newsletter below. I hope you find my art making and explorations inspiring!

Happy adventures!

Inky Mina x


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